FCE Preparation

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Word formation


Adjective suffixes (1)

Use the words in brackets to form adjectives. Use the following suffixes:
-ful, -less, -y, -ly, -ish
  1. Is this operation really so (pain)?
  2. She's very tired. She's had three (sleep) nights in a row.
  3. Don't be so (self) and give some chocolate to others!
  4. The soup was too (salt)!
  5. Everybody needs to be very (care). It's a very dangerous track.
  6. Jack is (friend) guy. You will like him.
  7. Why is he always so (child)? He should know better at his age!
  8. It's not a (week) magazine. It's a (month) one.
  9. It has been (wind) all day.
  10. This database is absolutely (use)! You can't get any relevant data out of it.

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